The Soul and Medicine of Story – with Teya Sepinuck
This inspiring multi-media program consists of films and audio excerpts as well as life stories from Teya‘s work creating original testimonial theater with people who have lived through trauma, marginalization and/or oppression. The presentation highlights Teya‘s work with diverse casts of performers and illuminates the healing power of deep listening, giving voice and “finding the medicine” in stories of struggle, injustice and transformation. Teya will speak personally about the power of bearing witness and using personal and collective story to inspire healing, empathy and peace-building both for performers and audiences.
1 hr
Reflective Workshop
Teya will lead participants on a creative exploration of what has heart and meaning in their lives. Using methods she’s developed in creating original Theater of Witness, Teya will offer gentle prompts for reflection, writing, deep listening, group connection, imagery and movement. Inspired by Theater of Witness performers she will share some of their stories of strength resilience and vision. The workshop will invite participants to go as deep as they feel comfortable in finding moments of healing and inspiration.
90 minutes – 3 hours
Special Topic Workshop or Presentation
Based on Theater of Witness’s vast treasury of productions and films, a workshop or presentation can be shaped for the needs and interests of the participants. Particular topics can include: Healing and Health; Northern Ireland and conflict; the impact of imprisonment for communities, families and those who are incarcerated; aging dementia and care; police and communities of color; those who clean in hospitals; women and peacebuilding; home and homelessness; crossing divides of difference together.
Contact Teya for price and information:
1315 Walnut Street, Suite 300, Philadelphia PA 19107